Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Disaster mitigation in Naga City

The city of Naga is located in the Isle of Luzon in the Philippines. Situated at about 377 km south of Manila, Naga City lies at the center of Camarines Sur, which is the biggest province in the Bicol region. The city has a total area of 77. 5 sq. kms. The city is located along the typhoon belt and therefore prone to tropical storms and typhoons throughout the year. It is also deemed vulnerable to floods, and earthquakes (Pineda & Buan, 1998). In the Naga City area, there are different kind of floods which periodically plays havoc in the city.Apart from floods from the major river Bicol, flash flood from Naga River too devastates the region. Besides river floods, there are periodic storm surges from the sea as well. Frequent inundation of the city and loss of agricultural land is a common phenomenon in the region. 1 Disaster management plan When natural disasters occur, the rate of survival and rescue of property would depend upon how efficient the emergency response operation is. Th e region is expanding very fast and the same trend will continue in the future as the Naga city is the center for commercial, educational, and industrial sectors in Bicol region.Disaster management plan is all the more relevant for this disaster prone city, because with tremendous growth rate, the likelihood of causality figures is expected to go up, if planned measures is not undertaken (Westen, 2007). Delayed and poor management of disaster could result in great deal of loss, both of human and property. Naga city has a much thought out disaster management and mitigation plan to cope up with the threat of natural calamities, which plagues the region (Pineda, & Buan, 1998).In seeking to ensure that their community could grow and prosper in a sustainable manner, Naga city officials sought to ensure a close link between hazard mitigation and land use planning. Following a study to determine the priority areas of attention, they crafted a strategy to manage hazards and to prevent envir onmental degradation in order to uplift the quality of urban life. A coordinated set of activity was formulated in the Naga City Disaster Management Project (NCDMP). NCDMP became the focus of the city’s evolving disaster risk management initiatives.It’s major concern was to identify risk reduction measures that could help the residents, while also promoting the importance of awareness and city planning for potential hazards that could threaten the city. As the first model city in the Philippines, Naga City used its projects to help strengthen the capacity of its citizens to develop and implement disaster mitigation standards and practices (United Nations, 2004).Diasater reduction initaitives Naga City authority realized that losses and damages to properties due to disaster 1. http://library. witpress. com/pages/PaperInfo. sp? PaperID=14311 could be avoided with proper planning, and attention towards relocating centers of. economic activity and settlements in safer area s. Through the development of community based surveys, with technical data provided by the weather service flood forecasting division, hazard mapping was carried out. In their planning for disaster risk reduction measures, the local authorities maximized the use of GIS. GIS also helped them determine which areas of the city would most likely become flooded. Accordingly, city officials targeted specific households for evacuation.After the identification of the vulnerable areas, the Naga City local authority made plans to shift the economic activities from low lying flood prone areas to elevated and less risky areas of the city. The local authority promulgated a five year developmental plan, whereby new land use laws and economic incentives have been made and new areas have been developed into growth centers. Coping strategy after Durian Durian is the fourth typhoon that hit Philippines within a span of three months. Worst hit by the typhoon was the areas near Mayon volcano, located a t the south east of Manila. The typhoon wrecked havoc in Camarines, Sur, Albay, and other provinces in the region.Termed as super typhoon, it submerged the provinces of Albay, and caused several villages near the Mayon volcano to be completed buried due to mudflows and landslides. Immediately after the typhoon, the Provincial Disaster Coordination Council (PDCC) together with pertinent agencies, and individuals initiated relief operations on war footing for the affected families. The persons affected by flood were moved to the evacuation centers and essentials and food items were distributed in a coordinated manner.The Provincial office along with regional center for health development coordinated the work of vaccination, drinking water testing, regular health assessment, deployment of environmental health sanitation team, and needed supplies of essentials and medicines. Rehabilitation of water and electricity infrastructures was implemented with speed and efficiency. 3 Conclusion T he typhoons in Philippines in 2006 wrought havoc in Naga City and nearby areas. The massive destructions caused by these typhoons were an eye opener for the authorities. The government has leant a lesson, albeit in a bitter way.Precautionary measures have been taken now on a massive scale, and not later. The typhoon Durian in Philippines could have caused less causality if there were timely intervention of the authorities to move the people of flood prone area to safer elevated area. As there is the possibility of disasters happening any time, people near the Mayon volcano have been shifted several times right after the warning of some impending disaster, which is perhaps the only way to prevent causality and loss of property. In this the city has set an example.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Neuropharmacology and gender

There is a growing interest in examining differences in pharmacological responses among different genders.   This gender-related discrepancy in the administration of pharmaceutical drugs has influenced that success of the treatment of specific medical disorders.   Several research investigations have been conducted in the last ten years in order to better understand any underlying gender-related mechanisms that influence factors related to particular diseases.   The factors that are swayed by gender include prevalence, disease symptoms, behavior of the patient during treatment and reaction to pharmacological treatment.Several analyses have suggested that gender-related differences in pharmacology induce different levels of sensitivity to drug medications.   In the field of neuropharmacology, a significant number of pharmaceuticals have already been reported to illicit gender-related differences in the reaction and response to specific neuropharmacologic reagents.   The diff erences include delayed reaction time or even a lowered sensitivity to the administered drug.   The opposite scenario has also been observed with other medications, wherein a specific gender is more responsive to the drug treatment due to the elevated sensitivity to the medication.   It has also been suggested that gonadal hormones may play a role in the reaction of specific genders to particular drugs.Pharmacological research has recently focused on determining the factors that influence the effects of prescription drugs on the treatment of neurological disorders.   One factor that has been of great concern is gender.   There are critical differences based on sex that have been determined to influence neurological disease prevalence.   In addition, gender has also swayed the presentation of symptoms among patients as well as the behavior of the patient himself in terms of seeking treatment.Another influence of gender-based neuropharmacological treatment is the response of the patient to psychotropic medication.   It has been observed that females tend to undergo a less serious course of schizophrenia than males.   This condition is characterized by less frequent negative symptoms and a greater chance for the females to adapt to her social environment.   Females have also been determined to response faster to an administered low dose of antipsychotic drug regimen, thus resulting in fewer cases of hospital admissions and hospitalization.It has been estimated that approximately 5% of all hospital cases are due to adverse drug reactions.   This significant number of death due to adverse drug reactions thus makes it essential to identify the factors that are strongly associated with risk management.   Case studies have shown that the increasing age of a patient poses a higher risk for adverse drug reactions.   In addition, the employment of several pharmaceutical drugs at the same time influences a patient to experience adverse drug reactions .   Liver and kidney diseases are also correlated with adverse drug reactions.   Interestingly, gender has also been determined to be a factor for adverse drug reactions, wherein females are more prone to experience such deleterious side effects.The main mechanism behind the connection between gender and adverse drug reactions still remains unclear but it has been suggested that pharmacological concepts play a major role in this reaction.   Pharmacokinetics or the dynamics of drug interactions in the human body is one of the areas of pharmacology that integrates the aspect of gender-related differences (Meibohm et al., 2002).   The concept of pharmacogenetics or the inter-individual differences in drug response also provides some kind of influence of gender-related pharmacological issues.   Hormonal factors have also been suggested to cause some effect of the response of different genders to pharmacological reagents.Classical pharmacological studies have generally under-re presented females in clinical trials for neuropharmacological drugs and this has resulted in an insufficiency of information with regards to any gender differences in drug efficiency and side effects (Aichhorn et al., 2005).   The major reason behind the under-representation of females in clinical trials is that there is a general fear that the drug being tested may be a potential teratogen which may cause mutations and eventually cancer to females.The fear is also associated in generating offspring that may carry multiple congenital anomalies due to the exposure of a neuropharmacological drug that is still being investigated.   Today, the principles of registration of a new drug require more stringent criteria for approval for clinical trials.   Amongst the requirements are the guidelines that indicate the need for gender-specific testing.Both males and females should thus participate in a clinical trial, with equal numbers of females and males in the entire study population so that bias can be avoided.   In addition to sex-matching in clinical trials, each gender is age-matched, meaning that every age group within the female category of participants should have an equivalent male of the same age group.   The new guidelines with regards to registration of a new drug have thus facilitated the inclusion of females in clinical trials.One neuropharmacological drug that has been extensively studied in terms of pharmacokinetics and pharmacogenetics are the second generation anti-psychotic drugs.   Clinical investigations have reported that different anti-psychotic drugs have different efficacies.   In turn, there anti-psychotic drugs also exert variable side effects among the patients that have been administered with this drug.   Anti-psychotics are generally given to patients suffering from schizophrenia and bipolar or manic-depressive disorders.Other mental health illnesses that are associated with the use of anti-psychotic drugs include dementia, delirium, depression and autism.   Anti-psychotics drugs are prescribed to the patient in order to control any untoward behavior that the patient may perform in the near future, such as aggression, violence and suicide.   These drugs are effective enough in lowering the chances of performing these untoward actions without affecting their normal motor functions, yet there are particular side effects that have been noted in relation to the use of anti-psychotic drugs.One side effect is weight gain which is determined by the increase in weight as well as the change in body mass index of the patient.   Abnormalities in glucose and lipid metabolic pathways are also affected by the intake of anti-psychotic drugs.   There have also been reports with regards to side effects related to cardiac and sexual functioning of the patient.   Gender-based differences in side effects have been implicated to these observations.For the case of schizophrenia, gender-related differences have be en observed in relation to the cumulative lifetime risk.   The initial expectation for the risk of schizophrenia among males and females was classically determined to be the same.   However, there is an accumulation of clinical reports that show that males generally experience schizophrenia at a younger age than females.There is an average difference of 3 to 5 years between males and females with schizophrenia.   More importantly, this gender-related difference also affects the patients’ behavior in terms of seeking medical attention.   Negative symptoms associated with schizophrenia have also been observed to be higher frequency among males.   The prevalence of cognitive deficiencies has een reported to be greater among males.   Any related structural brain and neurophysiological dysfunctions and abnormalities are also more frequent among male schizophrenia patients than among female schizophrenia patients.Oppositely, female schizophrenia patients have been repor ted to more frequently show affective symptoms related to this psychological disorder.   Females are also more prone to experience auditory hallucinations as well as delusions that result in self-persecution.   However, it is interesting to know that females respond to anti-psychotic medications at a faster rate than male patients.   This quick response, unfortunately, is strongly correlated to more severe drug-related side effects.   Clinicians have observed that the course of schizophrenia is less destructive among female patients.   Also, female schizophrenia patients are associated to fewer incidents with smoking and substance abuse, unlike male patients who generally perform both heavy smoking and drug and alcohol abuse during their entire illness.The gender-related issues that were observed with schizophrenia are strongly associated to neuroanatomic sexual differences among males and females.   For example, research has shown that the temporolimbic abnormalities ar e present among male schizophrenia patients.   These abnormalities involve a significant change in the volume of the left temporal lobe of male schizophrenia patients.   The volume was observed to be much smaller as compared to the left temporal lobe of female schizophrenia patients.   Comparison of the volume of the left temporal lobes of schizophrenia patients with that of normal healthy individuals has shown that the volume of the left temporal lobe of female schizophrenia patients is the same as that of normal healthy males and females.Another difference that relates to gender differences and neuropharmacology is the variation in the volume of the grey matter of the brain.   It has been reported that male schizophrenia patients showed a significant decrease in the volume of their grey matter (Leung and Chue, 2000).   On the other hand, female schizophrenia patients show a smaller volume in their hippocampal region, while the volume of their amygdala had increased.   Magnetic resonance imaging studies have indicated that male and female schizophrenia patients show great differences in the volume of their corpus callosum.The differences in volume of several regions of the brain among male and female schizophrenia patients may possibly influence the variations in response to pharmacological treatment of schizophrenia.   Initial pharmacological studies with regards to psychopharmaceuticals mainly focused on the treatment of the disorder itself and gender differences were not investigated until a significant number of cases reports were issued describing specific adverse drug reactions to anti-psychotic drugs.   It has been generally observed that female schizophrenia patients improve at a faster rate than their counterpart male schizophrenia patients.   This positive response, unfortunately, is coupled with the occurrence of extrapyramidal symptoms among female schizophrenia patients.Aside from gender differences in neuropharmacological treat ment, differences among female schizophrenia patients have also been observed.   Research investigations have observed that pre-menopausal female schizophrenia patients show a faster and better response to pharmacological treatment than post-menopausal female schizophrenia patients.   This observation suggests that female younger than 40 years old only need a minimal amount of anti-psychotic pharmacological treatment than male schizophrenia patients.   This pharmacological treatment advantage is lost when the female schizophrenia patient is above 40 years of age.Differences in neuropharmacological treatment response, clinical course and treatment outcome among males and females may also be due to variations in the cerebrum.   An example that could be employed to this notion is that the volume of the caudate nucleus changes over time after treatment of the patient with anti-psychotic drugs.   These changes in volume of the caudate nucleus are also influenced by the gender o f the schizophrenia patient.   In terms of male schizophrenia patients, treatment with neuropharmacologic reagents generally results in an increase in the volume of the caudate nucleus.   On the other hand, this volume was observed to increase among female schizophrenia patients after treatment with anti-psychotic drugs.It should be noted that not all components of the brain show gender-related differences in terms of neurological disorders and neuropharmacological treatment and response.   The striatal dopamine D2 receptor binding activity among male and female schizophrenia patients were determined to be the same, suggesting that the left striatus of both male and female schizophrenia patients are similar before and after neuropharmacological treatment for schizophrenia.Cognitive functions have also been observed to be different among male and female schizophrenia patients.   It is a common observation that male schizophrenia patients perform in a poorer fashion than femal e schizophrenia patients.   Other research groups have observed the opposite result, wherein female schizophrenia patients showed a lower degree of performance in cognitive functions.One explanation for such variations among genders is that some particular research groups only reported these differences as a side-observation while conducting an investigation that focus on another aspect of neuropharmacological research.   It would thus be more reliable if a research study was performed solely in identifying gender-related differences associated with neurological disorders and their response to pharmacological treatment.   It has been postulated that the discrepancies among male and female schizophrenia patients may eventually lead to major variations in the cognitive functions of males and females.It is therefore imperative that gender differences be comprehensively analyzed in terms of cognitive functions.   Another interesting research would involve drug responses among ma les and females of different neurological disorders.   There is also a great need to determine whether there exists a difference between males and females in terms of neurocognitive outcome after pharmacologic treatment for a neurological disorder.There is also a need to examine differences between gender and ethnicity in terms of neurological disorders, treatment and response.   Case reports have described that African-American male and female patients diagnosed with psychoses showed a unique neurological profile and treatment response from that of the general human population.   This observation resulted in a faster rate for hospital discharge after administration of a relatively higher dose of anti-psychotic pharmaceutical drug.The comprehensive investigation of gender-related differences among neuropharmacological treatments would provide a better understanding of the pharmacokinetics of drugs.   In addition, future research efforts on this area would also provide more i nformation that may be used in designing safe, effective and personalized drug treatment plans for patients suffering from neurological disorders.ReferenceAichhorn W, Gasser M, Weiss EM, Adlassnig C and Marksteiner J (2005):   Gender differences in pharmacokinetics and side effects of second generation antipsychotic drugs.   Current Neuropharmacology   3:73-85.Leung A and Chue P (2000):   Sex differences in schizophrenia, a review of the literature. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica Suppl. 401:3-38.Meibohm B, Beierle I and Derendorf H (2002): How important are gender differences in pharmacokinetics?   Clinical Pharmacokinetics   41:329-342.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Employee Context at K wik-fit Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Employee Context at K wik-fit - Essay Example Case study reveals that work force is distinctly tiered into hierarchies of grass root workers, supervisors and managers. The main employee and HRM context at K wik-fit is that of employee turnover. This context can best be classified as a problematic context as the employee turnover has been very rapid at K wik-fit.Figues reported in the case study indicate that in the K wik-fit's Lanarkshire call center the employee turnover used to be as high as 52 percent. In the year 2001 such high employee turnovers used to translate into vacancy rate as high as 21 percent. This used to present three fold HRM problems. There was a colossal waste of organizational resources invested in training and upgrading employees who only decided to quit soon after receiving such training. Two, an equivalent effort and resource deployment was required to fill the resulting vacancies and three resources had to necessarily deployed yet again to train and upgrade the new recruits. This results in adverse impac t on employee productivity and continuation of the organizational work and, in the final analysis, impacts overall company results and profits. The main features of K wik-fit's human resource strategy center on two core concepts found in any human resource management strategic move. These are: one, analyzing in the work environment the possible factors responsible for employees' rapid turnover and removing such factors as far as possible, and, two promoting intra organizational conditions and tie ups which would help motivate the workers to high productivity and enthusiasm. The results of this two fold human resources management programme ,adopted in K wik-fit in stages, has been astounding enough to give it an industry award for human resources management. Factually the stage one of the human resources management initiate has brought down the employee turnover rates from the high of 52 percent to 34 percent with another 2 percent fall being achieved in a matter of couple of months. The initiative has been so successful that t even helped halt employee turnover in the month of January where turnover used of be highest. Even in this month the employee turnover instead of rising over the annual average continued to plummet indicating deep impact of the human resources management initiative. A closer look at these initiative clearly reveals that two sets of human resources tactical moves can be identified separately i.e. one that improves work environment for employee and helps boost their motivation and two that offer to help employees solve work related issues and problems and move to higher productivity and better work standards. In the fact the latter move appears to be an initiation of a system of Total Quality Control (TQM) in the services organization. Behind both tactical moves there is a realization that selling insurance is a complex assignment which is not only monotonous and repetitive but which also requires up to date product knowledge and employee empowerment to meet the challenges posed by growing competition. To top it all such tactical moves have been carefully based upon employee feed back carefully collected earlier on. In the former category one finds that employee motivation is sought to

Sunday, July 28, 2019

The Nurses Responsibility in the Prevention of Medication Errors Essay

The Nurses Responsibility in the Prevention of Medication Errors - Essay Example Thus, this area needs careful administration in order to avoid unhappy accidents caused by the medication error. When a student studies in medical higher institution, he/she is told that a healthcare professional should not make any mistakes at all, as they are not excusable in the area of medicine. Everybody makes mistakes but a doctor must not as he/she simply does not have a right to do that. â€Å"Any preventable event that may cause or lead to inappropriate medication use or patient harm while the medication is in the control of the health care professional, patient, or consumer† is defined by the newest legislation as a medication error (cited in Preventing Medication Errors). Moreover, medication errors usually lead to court cases. Unfortunately, the number of medication errors in the modern society is very high and tend to increase. The main reasons are the following: Ignorance of drug management rights; The absence of regular drug check. Healthcare workers are obliged to check medications before giving them to patients; The absence of appropriate patient administration. The state of patient’s health may vary so only recent tests should be taken into account when prescribing medicines; Giving drugs to patient being unsure about the dosage and medication appropriateness. Nurses should remember that in the modern world medicine develops fast. New illnesses people die from make pharmacists work hard to invent new medicines. Thus, new drugs appear every day and it makes it necessary for nurses to trace the development of new drugs, to study them carefully in order not to appear in a situation when the prescribed drugs are unfamiliar to them. A nurse should not give a drug to patient if she does not know its characteristics and what it is used for. It may be the cause of medical error. It is also very important to remember that a drug that is used for adults, not always can be used for children or its dosage should be corrected. Unluckily, last time many medication errors reported are connected with children, who should be safe first of all. â€Å"Drugs approved for adults are often used for children under the age of 12, although they aren't formulated for pediatric use† (Hospital medication errors frequent with children). Reporting medical errors is also a big problem. Unfortunately, if a medical error occurs, medical personnel prefer to conceal it rather than to report. Such behavior is caused by the fear of humiliation, of shame, of loosing job etc. However a fear can’t be considered as an excuse as timely reported error can save somebody’s life. Unluckily, nurses often forget about that (Tackling medication errors: European Medicines Agency workshop calls for coordinated EU approach). There are several measures that should be necessarily taken by the nurse to prevent medical errors. The first is the appropriate evaluation. A nurse should find out if a patient has any contra-indications to this or that medicine, make necessary tests to define the state of his/her health. Secondly, it is necessary to create a plan of medicines taking, define the right dose and warn the patient about possible side effects. The third important step is to advise the patients to apply to nurse in case he has any doubts about the drug prescribed (dose, size, color etc.). The final important prevention measure is the assessment of outcomes. It is very essential to check the state of the patient in order to trace the

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Fashion and consumer science Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words - 2

Fashion and consumer science - Term Paper Example The essay "Fashion and consumer science" discovers the consumerism and fashion. The research question would be primarily based on the present consumer perception of the fashion counterfeit industry and the factors influencing their purchase decisions. The research objective would seek to present the benefits which the research would result in. The literature review would throw insight into the global trends in the sector and its implications on society. This is complemented by exploring the impacts of the business in the job market. The research would then conduct a hypothesis testing for the project. The research methodology chosen for the purpose would include both qualitative and quantitative methods. The several contributions that the dissertation would contribute to the literature would be presented as managerial and theoretical contributions or implications. Finally the major learning points from the research would be presented in the project. The project brings forth a compreh ensive view of the counterfeit fashion industry and the menace that it creates across the world. This is not a problem which is limited to few product and product categories, rather it has emerged a global phenomena affecting numerous industries. It can also have devastating effects on the society and its people. The report presents the menacing effects that this phenomenon has on society, the factors influencing the same and the means that may be adopted by the genuine fashion brands for protecting it. The clandestine nature of the activity makes it hard to obtain any accurate statistics on the same. However, copyright industries in USA have claimed that this sector remain subjected to huge losses. Counterfeit clothing and other items in the fashion world have predominantly prevalent in Europe. The most common technique of counterfeiting is by importing clothing and then attaching labels in one of the states which is followed by releasing the product for sales in some other state. The process gains from the goods freely moving across the borders. Most nations have demonstrated transactions in the sector and some of them have even evolved notorious in the field of production and exporting of fake products. Information provided by the European Union and United States have shown insight into the extent of such transactions and their impacts on society (Vithlani, 1997, p.4). Research Questions Since the project seeks to explore the factors influencing consumer’s behavior towards buying counterfeit fashion products, the research question has been developed based on the above idea. Even after having complete knowledge of the counterfeit fashion business, consumers are tempted towards buying the products. Moreover, such behavior of consumers also influences his preference for buying luxury brands. The project tries to explore both of the above aspects of consumer behavior. The research questions are as follows: Why consumers purchase the counterfeit fashion p roducts even after having knowledge of the same? When and how do counterfeits influence the genuine item consumers’ preference for luxury brands? Research Objectives This research would demonstrate that consumers’

Napoleon Bonaparte The Man behind the Soldier Essay

Napoleon Bonaparte The Man behind the Soldier - Essay Example On the other side of the spectrum, there are people who believed that Napoleon was too harsh, heartless, very rigid, and greedy which led to his eventual downfall. Up to this day, Napoleon Bonaparte, his conquests, and his personal life are still alive in society through books including his biography which are studied in schools, through discussions and forums in schools, and through analysis of the courses of events in his life. There is great scrutiny as to factors or influences which contributed to Napoleon's style of leadership or to how he ran his empire. There is a mix of factors that contribute to a person's system of actions, reactions, and initiatives. Employing certain styles or strategies in any activity does not only take into account the present situation or the present environment, it is composed of a combination of personality, life experiences including childhood and adolescence, and predispositions acquired from exposure to the activities and personalities of family members and friends. This paper aims to conduct a discourse on the factors and influences of Napoleon's personal life to the way he ran his empire or to his ruling style. It will first present an introduction, followed by Napoleon's youth and his education. The third part is Napoleon's Marriage and Family then synthesis of the paper will be reflected in the Conclusion. The paper will not expound on the French revolution or on the battles or conquests of Napoleon, but it will only touch on brief segments of history to show the qualities of Napoleon in the different stages of his life. Events relating to military transitions of power and the chronology of Napoleons rise to power will not be points of focus. Instead, fragments of Napoleon's life history will be presented. Napoleon's Youth and Education Napoleon Bonaparte was born in the year 1789 on the 5th of August. He was born in Corsica in a time when France has just defeated Corsica. After Corsica's defeat under France, Corsica rebels fled to the mountains where they continued with their fight. Napoleon's father, Carlo however readily showed his support to French rule. This angered Napoleon and resented his father for forsaking his Corsican heritage. It also created in him an aversion for the French people. Napoleon's mother, Letizia was a plain and tough woman. She was hard on her children and physically punished them in order to teach them discipline and sacrifice. There were even times when Napoleon was sent to bed without supper as punishment. His innate sense of discipline, propriety and punishment systems in the course of his reign as Emperor could very well be the influence of his mother who imposed stringent rules on Napoleon and his siblings. Carlo, Napoleon's father became a Corsican parliament representative where he saw grandeur of the French court. He was able to acquire a scholarship for Napoleon to study at Brienne which was a private academy in France. In 1778, nine year-old Napoleon who could barely speak French went to France for the first time. He had a

Friday, July 26, 2019

Dispersed Team Dynamics Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Dispersed Team Dynamics - Case Study Example Since advanced technology-driven interventions can have a significant positive effect on virtual project management and online education, it is essential for virtual team leaders to identify the role of interventions in improving technology choice in a virtual setting. In this article, the Mitchell argues that both proactive and reactive interventions can be used to manage virtual team challenges while considering the technology choice (p.433). In a virtual team environment, leaders are forced to use interventions in order to proactively and reactively address various workplace issues that may arise during the course of task performance (Mitchell, abstract). In addition, they are required to sense the need for technology change timely for executing the interventions effectively. The need for addressing the organizational change, technology change, and conflict management has been influencing leaders to use interventions in virtual groups (Mitchell p.432). Therefore, the use of interventions in a virtual group setting is of great strategic importance in the modern days. There are two types of interventions such as proactive and reactive interventions used to address a discrepant event. Proactive interventions are based on previous experiences and best practices that keep virtual team members informed of the strategies that could prevent certain challenges. In contrast, reactive interventions would address discrepant events that arise while team members work together to achieve their shared objectives. Although these interventions may foster learning in the virtual team setting, there are several factors such as cultural diversity, language barriers, and communication difficulties that can hinder the effectiveness of the interventions. Hence, team leaders have the additional responsibility to ensure that the interventions employed are capable of influencing the overall team behavior

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Write a team paper about the economic history of a Canadian town or Term - 1

Write a team about the economic history of a Canadian town or city of your own choosing - Term Paper Example Furthermore, Ontario is the main manufacturing centre with many industries ranging from communication technologies, automobiles, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology and medical services. In the entire Northern America, Ontario has the largest jurisdiction in North America in terms of assembly of automobiles according to the available statistics, in 2011; Canada exported 88% of its produced vehicles most of them destined for the United States. In the same year again, Ontario made exports from its manufacturing industries worthy $258 billion (Ontario, 2014). In terms of employees, Ontario has a higher number of employees in its manufacturing industries compared to Texas and California. In the agricultural sector, Ontario has got the first class farming lands in the entire country and there are about 51,950 farms according to the 2011 census. When translated in the entire country, they make about a quarter of the entire productive land in Canada. The main production from Ontario’s agr icultural sector include, flowers, cash crops, fruits, dairy and beef cattle farms, ornamentals, and vegetables (Ontario, 2014). The forestry sector also contributes to Canada’s economy; it supports the standard of living to about 53,000 people. In mineral production, the city produced a revenue of $10 billion dollars in 2011 (Ontario, 2014). The economic history of Ontario dates back to 12,000 years before the arrival of the European settlers. The Iroquoian and Algonquian had settled on Ontario in the past 12000 years (Ontario, 2014). In early 1600s, both British and French colonist started arriving to work in Ontario (Ontario, 2014). After the 7 year old war from 1756-1763, most of the land had been grabbed by the British settlers. This area was later named the province of Quebec that covered Ontario, Part of the United States, and Quebec. Immediately after the revolution, most of the Americans loyal to the British settlers moved to Ontario (Ontario, 2014). Later, Ontario was

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Research write up for publication in a UK nursing journal from an Essay

Research write up for publication in a UK nursing journal from an already written disertation - Essay Example Methods: An ethnographic approach was the basis of the research undertaken. This approach allows an understanding from an insider’s perspective that focuses on the interactions that occur and lead to the assessment of hand washing. In keeping with the requirements of the approach a sampling plan was devised. Intrusive data collection methods were eliminated from use. Four care homes from within two primary care trusts were selected from the care homes that volunteered for the study. The sampling process for participants was the same for each of the four participating care homes. The participants included both qualified nursing staff and care assistants. Observation and interviews were the means by which data was collected. Domain analysis, taxonomic analysis, componential analysis and theme analysis was used to analyse the data collected. Findings: Management styles had a significant impact on the socio-cultural influence on the decisions with regard to hand washing. Where management styles were authoritative and interfered in all aspects of the functioning, thus reducing the autonomy of the nursing staff there was a negative impact on the socio-cultural influences and thereby a negative attitude towards hand washing. Where the management styles offered greater autonomy in the functioning of the nursing staff and encouraged discussions on hand washing a positive impact on the socio-cultural influences was clearly visible and accordingly a higher importance given to hand washing. Conclusions: Lack of motivation is not the reason for health care workers not performing hand decontamination risk assessment. It is the social and cultural environment that the health care worker is in that decides the performance of hand decontamination risk assessment. The more amenable the environment the more favourable the impact upon the ability to perform the decision

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Density of Fluids Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Density of Fluids - Essay Example The solution preferred for this process was an alkali metal salt or an alkaline earth metal salt of metatungstate. The solution should have a concentration of 1 to 80. The oxidant used is preferably selected from any of the following dichromate, chromate, nitrate, permanganate, peracid and perester group (Allies & Pagenkopf, 1998). These should have a preferred concentration of 0.05 to 0.5 weight %. The preferred alkaline salts are salts of lithium or sodium namely sodium dihydrogendodecawolframate or lithium dihydrogendodecawolframate .However, sodium dihydrogendodecawolframate is preferentially used. According to the invention bringing the solid mixture into contact with the separating liquid is advantageous. These liquid should be of differing density in gradations of 0.005 g/cm.sup.3 to 0.1 g/cm.sup.3, preferably 0.05 g/cm.sup.3 to 0.01 g/cm.sup.3 (Jody, Daniels & Pomykala , 2003).Within a selected region of the density range the the sinking solid component is removed after each stage. Besides this solution, other solution that have been used in separation of mixtures include ethanol or solutions containing ethanol, Ca(NO  3)  2, CaCl  2  ZnCl  2.or NaCl. All thse method rely on the relative buoyancy of the separating

Monday, July 22, 2019

Principles of international diversification Essay Example for Free

Principles of international diversification Essay The perspective that it needs to focus on some aspect of an investment that is responsible for funds that are diversified internationally both by market and by asset. At times a more theoretical comment may also be presented, as many of the ideas and principles of international diversification have been the subject of internal research. Various markets in which international diversification must be applied; exchange markets, money markets, and equity markets. But more often true with statistically oriented academic literature, the study lags the developments in the real world by not including in the analysis the rapidly growing share of the global investment. The report were prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles applied on a consistent basis and are not misstated due to material fraud or error. The financial statements include amounts that are based on managements best estimates and judgments. Management also prepared the other information in the annual report and is responsible for its accuracy and consistency with the financial statements. Established and maintains a system of internal control that provides reasonable assurance as to the integrity and reliability of the financial statements, the protection of assets from unauthorized use or disposition, and the prevention and detection of fraudulent financial reporting. The system of internal control provides for appropriate division of responsibility and is documented by written policies and procedures that are communicated to employees with significant roles in the financial reporting process and updated as necessary. Management continually monitors the system of internal control for compliance. A corporate compliance plan as it helps reduce the risk of compliance errors and can limit the liability of directors and management. An effective plan can also reduce liability under the federal sentencing guidelines. Best of all, a corporate compliance plan helps employees follow the laws and enables management to know that the laws are being followed. The founding a comprehensive compliance program in which commonly known as corporate ethics program code of conduct has a number of benefits that goes beyond the direct compliance related aspects. The vast majority of employees want to do the right thing, and they want to work for a company of which they can be proud. They also want some way to make sure that the company does the right thing, so hotlines or other ways to report wrongdoing are appreciated. Empirical studies confirm that how the corporation approaches ethics and legal compliance management has a significant impact on employee’s attitudes and behaviors. Further Extensions: The focus of this research project is to develop approach that is best practice for sourcing ascendancy, process synchronization and information integration in the context of business research. The study aspire to first build a conceptual framework for business research opportunity that will make possible the development of solutions to the management challenges associated with achieving a companys strategic goals its operational constructs procedure has centered or build the organization with a business research course that has led to in receipt of enhanced business performance from arranging a process of direction within an organization A team oriented functioning in a environment and strong feelings of possession are also anticipated by a lot and as a consequence of or probably an indispensable component of a business research. There were several approaches that can be used to measure within the constructs and they are domain sampling, coefficient data and factor analysis and I used the analysis factor, explaining its component using the data to study the scale fundamental the construct. This analysis was used to examine whether the number of scope conceptualized might be established empirically. The preliminary examination results might show problems with more than a few events along with the mechanism of research. As the outline of the research it is significant to have a steadiness as it is only a part of construct strength. In sort to institute the construct weight of a measure, the amount to which the evaluate show a relationship with other events premeditated to calculate the similar problem and whether it conclude behave as anticipated it required also to be explained The authenticate of the construct of business research within an organization and shaped a useable instrument for diagnostic dimension of this construct. And the outcomes of business research opportunities within an organization appear to be applicable. Portfolio will have process that is constantly checking the index partition for the solution of other conflict groups and makes a queue, by indices of the partial solutions with the order of queue, so that the portfolio is able to proceed with the optimal task receive order flows from international traders and investors in the retail market and trade open positions with speculators in the wholesale market. The larger the open positions the more volatile the exchange rate has to be in order to equilibrate the wholesale market and the costlier the closing out of the positions for the intermediaries. However, the larger the predictable trading volume the smaller the revenues each currency unit exchange has to generate so that the dealer breaks even. Transaction costs of currency exchange can thus decrease with trading volume and will always increase with exchange rate volatility as well as dealers’ fixed costs. However, with the new framework not only s single but also several vehicle currencies can emerge, depending on the fundamental payments flows, the initial structure of exchange and dealer expectations about it, the market-specific volume-volatility relation and the structures of fixed costs for making markets and for opening formerly inactive markets. Moreover, both trading volumes as well as exchange rate volatilities are endogenous to the optimal exchange pattern. Those currencies with high fundamentals-based trading volume and low exchange rate volatility with respect to all or a sunset of currencies can emerge as vehicles. While in the goods market approach the idea is that exchange rates are determined basically through the trade of real assets, the asset market approach points to the importance of capital flows. The concept of purchasing power parity states that the exchange rate equates the national price levels of two countries in the sense that the PPP of a unit of currency is the same in both countries. A theory of exchange rate determination, it asserts that the exchange rate change between two currencies over any period of time is determined by the change in two countries’ relative price levels: Conclusion: To appreciate fully the arguments advanced in favor of international portfolio diversification, it is useful to have some knowledge of modern portfolio theory. Those readers familiar with Professor Markowitz’ seminal contribution need little further introduction to this subject. For others, it is useful to start with a brief theoretical overview of the effects of combining investments in two stock markets into an international portfolio. The expected return on a two-market international portfolio is simply the expected return in each market weighed by the fraction invested in the market. The variability of returns for this international portfolio is slightly more complex since it depends both upon the variability of each of the two markets held and the degree of co-movement or correlation between them. One of the key elements of the company’s value system, its basic beliefs, and another fundamental element is the business environment in which the firm conducts business. Then there are also the heroes of the company, plus its day-to-day routines and special ceremonies. Finally, there is the cultural network, the informal communication system within the firm. The many realities of the business world in which a firm operates play a major role in carving out the firm’s character and culture. Some aspects of the business environment have a very subtle influence. But as relentless winds and waters can erode jagged boulders to a smooth finish with the passing of years, so are some cultures gradually shaped by constant pressures from the marketplace. Since the company had run down the effects of estimated 46% of the loss revenue, the company is having a growing problem as its hold its position in undertaking the proposals, since it can plunge into worse than what is expected with the companies in such industry. Certain procedures, or frameworks or types of information, symbolically come to represent rationality within particular epochs, cultures or ways of thinking. Foreign direct investment in developing countries has long history; it has fluctuated over time, as investors have responded to changes in the environment for investment, including government policies toward foreign direct investment and the broader economic policy framework. After all the data was gathered it now the time that the management will consider possible strategies to spar the said problems, they are given possible strategies to choice which one would suit best their situation, application of such strategy is controlled well by the management for every plan is considered crucial until they iron up all this problems. Foreign direct investments in developing countries have flowed mainly into manufacturing and processing industries. It has traditionally been concentrated in a small group of countries, which partly reflects the size of their economies. Reference: 1. Elton, E. J. and Gruber, M. J. (2003). Modern Portfolio Theory and Investments Analysis. (6th edition), Wiley New York 2. .Elton. E. J and. Gruber, M. J. (1977). Risk Reduction and Portfolio Size: An Analytical Solution The Journal of Business, Vol. 50, No. 4. (Oct. , 1977), pp. 415-437.

The Role of Alfred von Tirpitz in the Anglo- German Naval Race Essay Example for Free

The Role of Alfred von Tirpitz in the Anglo- German Naval Race Essay What role did Alfred von Tirpitz play in the Anglo-German naval race of World War I, 1890-1914? For almost a century historians have been arguing over the causes of the First World War. One of the factors regularly discussed is the Anglo-German naval race, which involved the competing construction of the British and German navies between 1897 and 1914. Much of the blame for the consequential building of navies has fallen on the shoulders of the German state secretary of the navy office, Alfred von Tirpitz. The purpose of this internal assessment is to find out what roll Tirpitz played in the Anglo-German naval race. I will research my investigation with some of the many books published about the origins of World War I, including some of Tirpitzs speeches, letters, and propaganda as well as other key figures of the naval race. The investigation will cover how Tirpitz financed the naval construction, his building strategy, and finally Tirpitzs naval laws. B Summary of evidence How Tirpitz financed the naval construction Tirpitzs entire building strategy relied heavily on his belief that he could build his great fleet without raising taxes or putting any burden on the budget.2 He planned to achieve this with an intensive propaganda campaign, supported by industry and many middle class people. Tirpitz, being an adroit politician and manipulator of men, successfully promoted the navy and created effective pressure groups, like the Flottenverein, whose views had to be taken seriously by the government.3 After a lengthy depression, German industry was looking for large investments that were continuous and predictable. To accomplish this, Tirpitz tried to establish constant yearly shipbuilding rates in order to keep factories operating at capacity. He could then argue in the Reichstag that German industry would suffer a crisis unless it got new ship orders.4 However, it was the Kaisers support that gave Tirpitz the freedom to spend a large portion of the budget on the navy.5 Tirpitzs naval building strategy Tirpitz insisted that he be able to implement a plan of steady expansion, where ships were to be built and maintained regardless of cost.6 His plan had three major components: risk theory, alliance value, and danger zone. Risk theory was the idea that the German navy would be strong enough that if Britain risked battle, Tirpitz believed, the defeat of a strong German fleet would so substantially weaken the enemy that, in spite of a victory he might have obtained, his own position in the world would no longer be secured by an adequate fleet.7 Thus, Britain would be willing to make diplomatic concessions rather than take the risk of a naval conflict. Therefore, Germany only had to build a navy in proportion to England, of about 2:3, or 5:8.8 Danger zone was the period of time when the German fleet was not yet strong enough to deter the British fleet, and might be destroyed in a preventative blow. This led Tirpitz to advise cautious diplomacy towards Britain until the fleet was ready.9 Finally, Alliance value was the notion that a strong fleet would make Germany an attractive ally for other rivals of Britain, and maybe even for the British themselves.10 Therefore, Tirpitz believed that the constant building of the navy was an important asset if Germany wanted to become a threat to Britain, and consequentially gain allies. Tirpitzs naval laws Tirpitz believed that only by building the navy by law would ensure continuous and consistent fleet building.11 In 1898 the first naval law was created, calling for the construction of nineteen battleships, eight armored cruisers, and twelve large and 30 small cruisers, all to be built within six years. Tirpitz took advantage of international situations, such as the impact of the Spanish-American War, sentiment against Britain for an incident during the Boer War, and the Boxer Rebellion in China, and introduced the second naval law in 1900. The law doubled the size of the projected navy to a total of, 38 battleships, 20 armored cruisers, and 38 light cruisers, all to be built within 20 years. This was a direct challenge to the British home fleet that had approximately 32 battleships.12 It also threatened Britain because since 1889 the British navy had been governed by a two-power standard, by which their navy had to be stronger than the combined fleets of the next two naval powers.13 The second naval law also threatened Britain because it did not set a cost limit, therefore Germany needed no new legislation to build dreadnoughts.14 Tirpitz again used international crises, like the Moroccan crisis and Britains stern response to Germany at Agadir, to pass supplementary German naval laws in 1906, 1908, and 1912.15 C Evaluation of sources Two of the sources used were: Ferguson, Niall. The Pity of War. New York: Basic Books, 1999. The English historian, Niall Ferguson, wrote this book in 1999, acquiring most of his knowledge from primary sources and other historians books. The purpose of the book is to inform readers of Fergusons argument, that the Great War was solely Englands fault, but at the same time, the book is meant to be controversial, and to sell copies. This is one of the main limitations of the book, that the author may have misconstrued some of the details in order to make England look guiltier, and thus sell more copies. In general the book is valuable because it is a secondary source written long after the actual events, so he was able to form an opinion after looking at all different types of information and viewpoints. On the other hand, it is limiting because it is not a primary source; he did not write the book during the event, therefore some of the information could be misconstrued. Terraine, John, ed. The Great War, 1914-1918. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1965. This book, written by John Terraine in 1965, gives an overview of the events leading up to and during World War One. The author argues, in the introduction, that it was the German militarism that made the war inevitable. The book is very valuable because instead of the author writing his opinion on the events, he informs readers using primary sources throughout the entire book to tell the story. This is valuable because it displays the events when they happened. On the other hand it is limited because it does not have the benefit of using historiography, and the documents could be misrepresentative. There are many photographs used that are also valuable because they capture moments in history in vivid detail, simulating a first-hand experience. However, they could be limiting because certain details could be excluded, which would affect the view of the event. D Analysis Importance of investigation in its historical context The Anglo-German naval race was a significant event that ruined any possible relationship between the two nations before the start of World War I. Although many historians, for instance Ferguson or Fay, do not attribute the naval race to causing the Great War, it is a consensus among historians that by Germany building up their navy and destroying any relationship with Britain, they were simply pushing England into an alliance with France.16 The Entente Cordial simply meant that if Germany was trying to start a war in order to gain more colonies, they had dragged another enemy into the war to fight with. The naval race also caused extreme financial difficulties for both nations, but more specifically, if Germany had given most of its naval funds to its army, it would have had a much greater chance of achieving a land victory in France.17 Analysis of the Evidence Tirpitzs acquired his fleet by using intense propaganda, and played off of international crises to acquire more money in order to implement naval laws. He had soon built a fleet that was in direct competition with Britain; however it was never clear what his objectives with the fleet were. Different historians have interpreted the intention of this fleet differently. Ferguson and Fay both argue that the fleet was intended to compete with the British navy in order to have the power over Britain to demand colonies.18 However, Scheck more so argues that the fleet was being built in order to attract any of Britains enemies as allies or even Britain as an ally. 19 It is obvious that with both opinions the navy was directed at Britain. This proves that Tirpitz was the aggressor in the Anglo-German naval race, and that he was building the navy to discourage Britain from any direct conflict, and thus would have a stronger voice that could make demands. In addition, the naval construction would attract allies, and be able to support Germany in the coming war. However, Tirpitzs plan may have contributed to various British proposals for limiting the navy, it did not intimidate them or cause them no make concessions. On the contrary, it created the atmosphere of suspicion and antagonism that would lead to a naval race.20 It is obvious that Germany was the aggressor in the naval race; however, many historians have debated over what event it was that triggered the Anglo-German naval race. Herrmann argues that it was Germanys persistent defiance of Britain over a period of time that set-off the naval race, but it was not one particular event.21 However Tucker argues that it was specifically Tirpitzs second naval law that initiated the naval race.22 The latter is a very valid point, since it was this law that put Tirpitzs fleet in direct competition with Britain. Beforehand, the British new that the Germans were beginning to put a navy together, but it did not concern them. Immediately after the passage of the law, the British began to feel pressure from Tirpitz, and responded by building their navy as well. Without Tirpitzs second naval bill, Britain would not have felt threatened, and therefore would have had no reason to enter a naval race. Tirpitz undeniably was a key player in the naval race. He pushed the propaganda, founded the Navy League, designed the naval construction strategy, drafted the naval laws, and most important, would not slow down the building process. However, historians have disputed how large a role Tirpitz played. Scheck and Tucker have put complete blame on Tirpitz, saying that he was the man manipulating the Kaiser, Reichstag and the German people, in order to support and fund his naval plan. 23 Contrary to this, Kennedy and Fay believe that Tirpitz and the Kaiser are equally to blame for the naval race.24 They argue that Tirpitz and the Kaiser were the two men who most supported the navy, and that it was the Kaisers support of Tirpitz that allowed him to get the funding and support necessary to construct his fleet. The former is a more accurate opinion since it was Tirpitz, and Tirpitz alone who designed the building strategy, and manipulated the government in order to raise funds. It was his aggressive policy that built up the German navy to the point where it posed a threat to Britain, giving them no choice but to retaliate through their own naval construction. E Conclusion Tirpitz is solely to blame for the Anglo-German naval race. As Scheck and Tucker have agreed, he was the man manipulating the Kaiser, Reichstag and the German people by using international crises to push propaganda, and implement naval bills. Tirpitzs naval strategy was directed at defeating Britain with his risk navy, in order to make available the necessary colonial property for the central European states which needed to expand.25 It was precisely Tirpitzs Second Naval Bill that competed directly with Britain, thus threatening her imperial position, forcing Britain to increase the rate of her own naval construction. If it were not for Tirpitzs aggressive naval policy, Germany and Britain would not have been thrown into a costly and dangerous naval race. It was made obvious that Tirpitz was solely to blame, when British War Minister Haldene attempted to negotiate a naval agreement, but Tirpitz made it clear he was opposed to any reductions, and negotiations failed.26 1 Peter Quennell, History Today, November 1968, 53. 2 James Joll, The Origins of the First World War (New York: Longman Group, 1984), 62. 3 Joll, 112. 4 Rafael Scheck, Alfred von Tirpitz and German Right-Wing Politics, 1914-1918 (Boston: Humanities Press, 1998), 3. 5 David Herrmann, The Arming of Europe and the Making of The First World War (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1996), 162. 6 The European Powers in the First World War: An Encyclopedia, 1996 ed., s.v. Alfred von Tirpitz, by Spencer Tucker. 7 John Terraine, ed., The Great War, 1914-1918 (New York: The Macmillan Company, 1965), 226. 8 Sidney Fay, The Origins of the World War (New York: The Macmillan Company, 1930), 235. 9 Scheck, 6. 10 Scheck, 5. 11 Jonathan Steinberg, Yesterdays Deterrent (London: Macdonald and Co., 1965), 126. 12 Tucker, 688. 13 Joll, 63. 14 Scheck, 5. 15 Tucker, 688. 16 Niall Ferguson, The Pity of War (New York: Basic Books, 1999), 70; Fay, 39. 17 Tucker, 688. 18 Ferguson, 84; Fay, 235. 19 Scheck, 5. 20 Fay, 235. 21 Herrmann, 226. 22 Tucker, 688. 23 Scheck, 8; Tucker, 688. 24 Paul Kennedy, The Rise of the Anglo-German Antagonism: 1860-1914 (New Jersey: Unwin Ltd., 1980), 224; Fay, 243. 25 Fay, 235. 26 Joll, 65

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Thomas Hobbes Book Leviathan Philosophy Essay

Thomas Hobbes Book Leviathan Philosophy Essay Thomas Hobbes focused on the human nature regarding as state of nature. Hobbes thinks that there is always fight in state of nature because of equality between men. He asserts that human being is equal both bodily and mentally even if it is seemingly. At first, Human nature makes people to think about being strongest than anyone in terms of body. For example, the strongest one thinks that he can kill everyone who are weak than him, however, the weaker one can beat the strongest one through confederacy of with others. (Hobbes, 183)Therefore, it can be said that everyone in society is equal with each other one way or another. Additionally, Hobbes argues that men are equal mentally too. This equality comes from wise. In state of nature, everyone see themselves wise, however, they do not accept the others wisdom and they do not believe that they have wisdom. That is to say, all of them are satisfied with their wisdom and they ignore others wisdom so this means that it is not inequality a ctually it means equality. (Hobbes, p.184)Therefore, this equality causes insecurity in society. This equality makes us to attain our ends. However, if they desire same thing, they become enemy with each other. (Hobbes, p.184) To give an example, every person around the world has desires to live in extraordinary place such as palace. Lets thinks about that there is only one gorgeous palace all over the world and a group of people try to get it, at the end while trying to get it, there will be conflict situation. The ambition of getting what they desire makes them enemy and it leads to war amongst them. Additionally, in the nature of man, we find three principles which are competition, diffidence and glory. (Hobbes, p.185) These feelings lead to war because these feelings make people to fight for gain, safety and for reputation. Shortly, in order to provide a peaceful society there should be an authority. If there is no absolute power at the top, there is always fight in society. Hob bes underlines this issue as state of nature is a state of war of all against all. (Hobbes, p.185) In this situation, that is to say, if there is no common authority, there is no justice because we cannot talk about true or false or anything contrary to law. Moreover, in such conditions, as Hobbes argues, there is no place for industrial development or art or anything making people to be civilized. Thus, life of men is solitary poor, nasty, brutish and short. (Hobbes, p.186) This situation can be a block to live in a good society because people need an absolute power who can keep down them. Also this can shows us the necessity of commonwealth. Right of nature has an important role for necessity of absolute power in terms of rights, rules and prohibitions. Right of nature gives the right man to do anything what he want and at any time to protect himself from the others who may damage him. That is to say, right of nature is a kind of freedom to what is wanted to do. Because of the state of nature, every men have right to do anything, even he can kill somebody else to protect himself.(Hobbes, p.189) Actually, in state of nature, there is always risk of injury and death so people are ready to preserve themselves from possible attacks. For example, if a man, who is threatened by someone, can intimidates and can kill that men. If he could not, he could be killed. This creates chaos in society. The law of nature can be thought the opposite of right of nature. Thanks to law of nature, people give up their some rights and think about the others right in order to protect both themselves and peace in society. (Hobbes, p.190) It is im portant that, thanks to the law of nature, people cannot harm themselves and others. It is a stage of providing peace among people. The only way to attain this peaceful environment is transferring of rights by covenant. At this point, the importance of rules which are made by absolute power can be understood. As Hobbes suggests, human nature needs an absolute power in nature because the ultimate purpose of mankind is to protect them from others possible attack, to be happy and to live in comfort. (Hobbes, p.223)Therefore, the only way is to accept to be put under restraint by a sovereign. The necessity of a sovereign is also about how to establish a commonwealth system. According to Hobbes, the only way to establish a commonwealth system is based on transferring their rights to one person, one assembly or one committee. Hobbes suggests the way of establishing a commonwealth is making a covenant with every man. By making covenant, every man gives their right of governing themselves to a sovereign. Although some people in society vote negatively, they also authorized the sovereign to govern them. (Hobbes, p.227)Therefore, by transferring rights and will, the commonwealth system occurs. The sovereign who has unlimited power has to make rules and execute them. These rules should be in accorda nce with the necessity of common wills. There should also be fear of absolute power because if people in society do not afraid of absolute power they can break rules. Obeying rules is important for society in terms of order and peace. The covenant can be thought as the constitution of parties because parties make an agreement and they make rules for themselves and for the security of society. Thus, if there is an injustice or injury, the person in charge is not to be the sovereign. The injustice or injury reasoned by sovereign is not the outcome of sovereigns own decisions or actions because of covenant. According to Thomas Hobbes, if a person complaining about injustice, this means that person is complaining about his/her sovereign and this person cannot accuse someone else even he cannot accuse himself because of the covenant. That is to say the person who make a covenant and who make rules cannot injure himself/herself. (Hobbes, p.232) Again Hobbes says that since the people in society are the governor of the actions and decisions, the actions and decisions which are made by sovereign cannot be named as injustice because people in society authorized the sovereign to govern themselves. (Hobbes, p.232) The sovere ign should implement the rules and punishment. To give an example, think about a rule which is related to protect society order, for example burglary, murdering etc. and think about the punishments of these abuses. If a person kill a man or steal someones property there will be a violation of the order. The reason why to implement these rules, prohibitions and the punishments by the sovereign is to be rescued from state of nature and to reach peace in society. Thus, the sovereign must implement the rules, prohibitions and punishments. Although people in society can be punished because of their actions, the sovereign cannot be punished because of his decisions or actions because the sovereign authorized to do anything to preserve the society and maintain the commonwealth system. Thomas Hobbes underlines that sovereign shouldnt be punished if he breaks the agreement because he is tasked with to govern and execute the state. The sovereign has unlimited power and he has decisions and actions according to covenant which is made by people. As Hobbes underlines, the liberty of the subject consists with the unlimited power of the sovereign. The liberty of subjects doesnt mean that the power of sovereign for life and death abolished or limited because whatsoever he does can be called as injustice or injury. (Hobbes, p.264) For example, if a subject who attempts to depose his sovereign can be punished or killed because he is the author of his punishment. (Hobbes, p.229) Moreover, a subject can be killed so neither sovereign nor subject can be called as injustice. (Hobbes, p.265) Additionally, the actions of the sovereign cannot be criticized by subjects because anything what he does cannot called as injustice and subjects cannot charge sovereign with being injustice. As Hobbes states sovereign can be cruel but they cannot be unjust. (Hobbes, p.232) Moreover, the sovereign cannot be judged with his decisions and actions thanks to the covenant. In conclusion, Thomas Hobbes starts with analyzing human nature and comes to this conclusion by reasoning necessity of commonwealth system. As he argues in the state of nature men are always in danger and there is no security. People in society are always fighting with each other, they are always competing with each other because of their desires and this makes their life full of horror. Therefore, Thomas Hobbes suggests that there must be a sovereign to control and to provide security in society in order to live in comfort. By transferring the rights to the sovereign they make covenant and at the end the commonwealth system establishes. The sovereign who is authorized by the subjects makes decisions and governs the society and so according to Hobbes the sovereigns decisions and actions cannot be called as unjust. Although, Thomas Hobbes asserts that his decisions and actions are not unjust, the sovereign who has unlimited power should be restricted. If his decisions and actions cann ot be restricted there will always be injustice because there is only one person who decides in the name of subjects. Additionally, the subjects who didnt vote for that sovereign should be thought because they are also under the decisions and actions of that sovereign even if they did vote negatively. Although, the commonwealth system has benefits such as unity, safety and comfortable lives in society, after transferring rights to the sovereign the only decision maker become sovereign and this makes conflicts in society. Subjects give their will to sovereign however, in some points subjects should have the right to analyze and criticize acts and rules of sovereign. Society may hand over its will but it should not be in all areas. Society could be interfere what is done by sovereign. Sovereign cannot be true in all areas and acts.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Essays --

Early life and military career[edit] Born in Tampa, Florida, Kittinger was educated at the Bolles School in Jacksonville, Florida, and the University of Florida. After racing speedboats as a teenager, he entered the U.S. Air Force in March 1949. On completion of aviation cadet training in March 1950, he received a USAF Pilot rating and a commission as a Second Lieutenant. He was subsequently assigned to the 86th Fighter-Bomber Wing based at Ramstein Air Base in West Germany, flying the F-84 Thunderjet and F-86 Sabre. In 1954 Kittinger was transferred to Holloman AFB, New Mexico, and the Air Force Missile Development Center (AFMDC). He flew the observation/chase plane that monitored flight surgeon Colonel John Stapp's rocket sled run of 632 mph (1,017 km/h) in 1955. Kittinger was impressed by Stapp's dedication and leadership as a pioneer in aerospace medicine. Stapp, in turn, was impressed with Kittinger's skillful jet piloting, later recommending him for space-related aviation research work. Stapp was to foster the high-altitude balloon tests that would later lead to Kittinger's record-setting leap from over 102,800 feet (31,300 m). In 1957, as part of Project Manhigh, Kittinger set an interim balloon altitude record of 96,760 feet (29,490 m) in Manhigh I, for which he was awarded his first Distinguished Flying Cross. Project Excelsior[edit] Kittinger next to the Excelsior gondola Main article: Project Excelsior Captain Kittinger was next assigned to the Aerospace Medical Research Laboratories at Wright-Patterson AFB in Dayton, Ohio. For Project Excelsior (meaning "ever upward"), a name given to the project by Colonel Stapp as part of research into high altitude bailouts,[2][3] he made a series of three extreme altitude parac... ...4-mph wind blowing on you. I could only hear myself breathing in the helmet."[12] Kittinger set historical numbers for highest balloon ascent, highest parachute jump, longest drogue-fall (four minutes), and fastest speed by a human being through the atmosphere.[13] These were the USAF records, but were not submitted for aerospace world records to the Fà ©dà ©ration Aà ©ronautique Internationale (FAI).[14] Kittinger's records for the highest ascent, highest parachute jump, and fastest velocity stood for 52 years, until they were broken in 2012 by Felix Baumgartner. For this series of jumps, Kittinger was decorated with a second Distinguished Flying Cross, and he was awarded the Harmon Trophy by President Dwight D. Eisenhower.[15] The Stargazer gondola on display at the National Museum of the U.S. Air Force at Wright-Patterson AFB in Dayton, Ohio. Project Stargazer[edit]

Friday, July 19, 2019

Computer Crime Essay -- Technology

ABSTRACT Billions of dollars in losses have already been discovered. Billions more have gone undetected. Trillions will be stolen, most without detection, by the emerging master criminal of the twenty-first century--the computer crime offender. Worst of all, anyone who is computer literate can become a computer criminal. He or she is everyman, everywoman, or even every child. CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION To first understand computer crime one must understand first what crime is. According to Diana Kendall, "crime is a behavior that violates criminal law and is punishable with fines, jail or other sanctions" (Kendall 1999; 161). Yet since computer technology is so new it has really no laws to govern it. A law is formal norms that are enforced, norms being established rules of behavior. Many of the crimes committed on computers often times go unpunished. As stated by David Pitch ford in the London journal Focus when writing on pornography on the Internet, " the only way illegal pornographers can be caught is through chance leads, tip-offs and telephone tracing" (Focus 1995; p10-12). Many of the crimes that are also committed on computers via the Internet are very new also. New subcultures have formed around the Internet for the possibilities it brings. Computer crime despite the many problems it has brought has also brought some needed social controls to the Internet and as stated befo re some laws have been formed to protect many of the institutions that because of computer crime have become targets for criminals. CHAPTER 2 THEORETICAL REVIEW Now that we have briefly explained computer crime, let's go into further depth into explaining computer crime from the different sociological perspective theories. Many of those th... starts the work as one to control the Internet and those that abuse its power and seek to take what is not theirs. Yet, the technologies are very new and they're very vulnerable, we in going to be in a messy situation for a while. In my view point hacking and computer crime will be with us for as long as we have the Internet. It is our role to keep the balance between what is a crime and what is done for pure enjoyment. Luckily, the government is making an effort to control the Internet. Yet, true control over the Internet is impossible, because the reasons the Internet was created. This is why families and the institution of education of is needed, parents need to let their children know what is okay to do on the computer and what is not and to educate them on the repercussions of their actions should they choose to become part of the subculture of hackers.

A Teacher Holds the Key to Knowledge, Success, and Fun :: Teaching Philosophy Education Admissions

A Teacher Holds the Key to Knowledge, Success, and Fun The greatest gift a teacher can give students is a positive learning experience that lasts a lifetime. An outstanding teacher is a good role model, fair, consistent, and open to new ideas. A good teacher can motivate and entertain without students realizing the learning process it taking place. It is a great achievement for a teacher to see the â€Å"light bulb† come on over a student’s head when he/she understand a problem or can figure out an equation. To see a child accomplish a task is most satisfying and rewarding. A teacher holds the key to knowledge, success, and fun. Every child deserves a teacher that understands and accommodates different ability levels of each student. It is very difficult to pinpoint a specific method of teaching because so many styles and techniques are successful. Incorporating different methods may be effective. I have been a substitute teacher for two years and this experience has brought great insight for future reference. I feel that all students can and must learn according to their ability. I want to be a teacher who influences each student in a positive way and display strong ethics in order to encourage appropriate behavior and respect. A teacher’s personal ethics influence their teaching method. With regard to teaching methods, I share certain views from Rousseau. Children are born with a blank slate and are not good or bad by nature. These characteristics are not determined at birth but are learned behavior. Young children entering elementary school are excited and open to learn. It is the teachers’ task to keep the creativeness and attention of each student. Basically, children want to learn. I also tend to hold the attitude of Essentialism toward educational philosophies. I believe the curriculum of the schools should be subject-centered. Students learning should be centered on the basic subjects such as reading, writing, history, math, and science. I feel strongly about reading because if a child is a good strong reader, other subjects seem to be absorbed more easily. I lean toward behaviorism regarding discipline. I agree the reward system, establishing rules, and monitoring events are excellent ways to teach responsibility and instill moral values. I think a good teacher can incorporate all different â€Å"beliefs† and identify what works and what doesn’t. The lessons students learn in kindergarten are basic skills and remain with them for the rest of their lives.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Attitude Persuasion

Introduction: The word attitude  is an expression of favor or disfavor toward a person, place, thing, or event. Prominent psychologist  Gordon Allport  (1935) once described attitude â€Å"the most distinctive and indispensable concept in contemporary  psychology†. The words  attitude  and  persuasion  are often found together, as in the phrase  persuasion and attitude change. Persuasion is an attempt to change people's attitudes. For example, advertisers try to persuade potential customers to buy a product. To do this, they try to create a positive attitude toward the product.Social psychologists have emphasized that an attitude is  preparation for behavior. Otherwise, nobody would care about attitudes. An advertiser would not try to make you feel more â€Å"positive† or â€Å"liking† toward a product unless this was assumed to affect your likelihood of buying the product. Attitude as an inward feeling expressed by outward behavior. People al ways project on the outside what they feel on the inside. But some people try to mask their attitude. You have developed attitudes about such issues, and these attitudes influence your beliefs as well as your behavior.Attitudes are an important topic of study within the field of  social psychology. What exactly is an attitude? How does it develop? Studies show that how psychologists define this concept, how attitudes influence our behavior and things we can do to change attitudes. Definitions i. A settled way of thinking or feeling typically reflected in a person's behavior. A position of the body proper to or implying an action or mental state: â€Å"the boy was standing in an attitude of despair†. ii.Attitude is â€Å"a relatively enduring organization of beliefs, feelings, and behavioral tendencies towards socially significant objects, groups, events or symbols† (Hogg & Vaughan 2005, p. 150) iii. â€Å"A psychological tendency that is expressed by evaluating a pa rticular entity with some degree of favor or disfavor† (Eagly & Chaiken, 1993, p. 1) Explanation An attitude is a cognition (form of thought) that is formed through experience and influences our behavior. The fact that attitudes are  formed through experience  means that we can, potentially, change them. When a ersuader gives a message to an audience member, that message becomes part of the listener’s experience, and it can affect his or her attitudes. The fact that attitudes  influence our behavior  means that we can use persuasion as a means to achieve our goals — when the behavior, or actions, or others can help attain those goals. Attitudes have two basic components: beliefs and values. Beliefs are, roughly, statements of facts. Beliefs are potentially verifiable. We say a belief is true or correct when it seems to reflect the world and false or incorrect when it seems contradicted by the world.Values are judgments of worth, like good or bad, useful o r useless, expensive or cheap, efficient or inefficient. Together, these cognitions (thoughts), beliefs and values, form attitudes. (M. Clubertson, 1968)Attitudes are learned from experience and also influence our behavior. A person’s attitude is a composite of all the relevant belief/value pairs, with the more important ones influencing the attitude more. You can change a person’s attitude by changing either the belief or the value (but not both), or by creating new belief/value pairs (or by changing the relative importance of belief/value pairs).Persuasion is, quite simply, the use of messages to influence an audience. The messages that make up persuasive discourse are  instrumental, or means to ends or goals of the persuader. Companies use persuasion in the form of advertising to convince consumers to buy their products or services. Students use persuasion to convince their parents to increase their allowance, or let them go to see a particular movie, or to let th em use the car. Parents can use persuasion to get their children to study or to clean up their rooms.People use persuasion to get their friends to go to see a certain movie, or a band, or to hang out at the mall. Persuasion can convince another person to go out on a date. It can convince a teacher to accept a paper after the due date. Of course, people can also use  threats  to get what they want, but that is not persuasion. In persuasion, we try to convince the audience that they should want to do what we want them to do–not that they should do it â€Å"or else. † One of the most powerful influences on attitude change is the motivation of people.Cognitive dissonance Cognitive dissonance  is a phenomenon in which a person experiences psychological distress due to conflicting thoughts or beliefs. In order to reduce this tension, people may change their attitudes to reflect their other beliefs or actual behaviors. What all the definitions of attitude have in common is  evaluation. An attitude is not just a neutral stance; it is a value judgment, favorable or unfavorable, or likely to affect persuasion: characteristics of the  communicator, the  communication, and the  situation.People can be inoculated against attempts at persuasion and propaganda by exposing them to weak attacks and teaching them how to respond. (D. Crano, 2005) Cognitive dissonance theory emerged in the 1950s and had a large impact on social psychology. It is based on the assumption that people seek consistency between their behavior and their attitudes. If forced to do something that contradicts their value judgments or opinions, people feel  dissonance  and are motivated to change either attitudes or behavior, to bring them into consonance (agreement) with one another.That makes the theory especially interesting and useful. A central question for Dissonance researcher has been the motivational bases for dissonance and the causes of the aversive state of disson ance arousal. In Aronson’s(1992) self concept analysis, dissonance arises from the inconsistent cognitions that threaten consistency, stability, predictability, competence and moral goodness of self concept. In Steele’s(1988) self affirmation Theory, dissonance arises from general self integrity.Stone and cooper(Peety and Wegener 1998) Proposed that dissonance arise when people fail to behave in a manner consistent with some valued self-standard. the specific motivation behind the dissonance supposedly depend on the type of self standard involved. Cognitive dissonance theory (Festinger, 1957) Festinger’s version of balance theory, called cognitive dissonance theory, suggests that when people have in mind two or more inconsistent thoughts or beliefs, they experience a state of  dissonance.This ‘negative drive state’ is unpleasant, so they are motivated to try to reduce it by altering one or more of the cognitions in order to re-establish a state of   consonance. Cognitive dissonance  is a term used in modern  psychology  to describe the feeling of discomfort when simultaneously holding two or more conflicting  cognitions: ideas, beliefs, values or emotional reactions. In a state of dissonance, people may sometimes feel â€Å"disequilibrium†: frustration, hunger, dread, guilt, anger, embarrassment, anxiety, etc. Cognitive dissonance is one of the most influential and extensively studied theories in social psychology.The theory of cognitive dissonance in  social psychology  proposes that people have a  motivational drive  to reduce dissonance by altering existing cognitions, adding new ones to create a consistent belief system, or alternatively by reducing the importance of any one of the dissonant elements. It is the distressing mental state that people feel when they â€Å"find themselves doing things that don’t fit with what they know, or having opinions that do not fit with other opinions the y hold. †Ã‚  A key assumption is that people want their expectations to meet reality, creating a sense of equilibrium.Likewise, another assumption is that a person will avoid situations or information sources that give rise to feelings of uneasiness, or dissonance. Bogardus Social Distance scale For Bogardus â€Å"an attitude is a tendency to act toward or against something in the environment which becomes thereby a positive or negative value. â€Å"Conducted a monumental study on â€Å"social distance â€Å"still used the world over to examine cultural and ethnic attitudes. The Bogardus Social Distance scale measures attitudes about how close or distant people feel towards other people.Early in twentieth century E. S bogardus invented bogardus social distance scale is a technique for scaling attitude to measure social-psychology distance between various ethnic and racial groups Social Distance Scale  (Bogardus, 1925) is where attitudes are inferred from the actions of t he participant. The participant indicates the degree of intimacy which would be acceptable towards an individual or group, e. g. , ‘Would you live next door to one? ’ Each question has a value assigned it, and the sum of these will indicate the strength of attitudeConclusion Hence we conclude that an attitude can be a positive or negative evaluation of people, objects, event, activities, ideas, or just about anything in your environment, but there is debate about precise definitions. Persuasion is a powerful force in daily life and has a major influence on society as a whole. For example Politics, legal decisions, mass media, news and advertising are all influenced by the power of persuasion, and influence us in turn. What all the definitions of attitude have in common is  evaluation.An attitude is not just a neutral stance; it is a value judgment, favorable or unfavorable, for or ikely to affect persuasion: characteristics of the  communicator, the  communication , and the  situation. People can be inoculated against attempts at persuasion and propaganda by exposing them to weak attacks and teaching them how to respond. REFERENCES Crano, W. (2005). Attitude and Persuasion. California: Claremont Graduate University. Clubertson, H. (1968). Attitudes. Journal of Cooperative Extension, 79. Murchinson,C. (1985). Handbook of Social Psychology. Clark University Press .

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

American Red Cross- Basic History/Overview

base History/Overview The American inflamed hybridize is a non-profit organization supported only if when off of financial donations and volunteers (comm whiz). release cross everyplace mission is to provide relief to victims to victims of disasters and help people prevent, prep ar for, and respond to emergencies. rosy thwart was founded in 1881 by Clara Barton. Who was stimulate by the fierce Cross during the Prussian War. She first implemented what she had experience over in Europe in the U. S. during the Spanish American War in the 1898.The inflammation Cross joins more than 175 other national societies in providing aid to those in need across the world. The American carmine Cross follows seven bylaws humanity, impartiality, neutrality, independence, voluntary service, unity and universalities. Today the Red Cross engender over a half one thousand thousand volunteers and 35,000 employees. The President of United States is the honorary lead of the Red Cross and app oints the eight governs. In recent history American Red Cross had had its share of troubles which stated at the communicate of the executive tree and has seen several(prenominal) top resignations in the last decade.honorable Issues/Key Facts Red Cross master(prenominal) issues were around misdirection of money and donations to the Red Cross. In 2001 the American Red Cross ousted Elizabeth Dole, due to the fact of slow responses to 9-11 attacks. This started the geological era of host of top executive failures and the doors unbroken revolving every few years with natural presidents. Resignations varied anywhere from slow responses to mismanagement, miss of parley to misconduct with financial funds. afterward 9-11 the Red Cross had established a fund for those impacted by the incident.Red Cross received over $ergocalciferol million dollars in pledges but only contributed a 1/3 of those funds to the 9-11 relief efforts. This sparked an honourable issue with twist as far as fiscal donation mismanagement. Hurricane Katrina sparked another issue for slew. over again had venting received over $2 billion dollars in donations and the domain visit as what was done with that money. These responses were the outcome of double-tongued and inefficient decisions. Red Cross downfalls unceasingly tend to be around monetary donations and the management of those funds.Questions 1. I stand for the biggest line of work are those at the top and how they are giving severance upon getting fired or resigning due to fraudulent activities of mismanagement of funds. This sends out a message to employees that its ok if you at the top of the ambit and take money from us ( slew) we get out still compensate you at the end. ARC needs to regain it trust in the community and communicate with the public as to how funds are distributed and the manner they are distributed in. 2.Some of the problems that ARC encountered with handling donations was that the monies that we re donated where not allocated according to that particular disaster. Initially triggering this was 9-11, the public was outraged. The ARC would create funds, for example the casualness fund for 9-11, however only gave triad of it to relief efforts. People gave these donations with intentions that ARC would subroutine the monies for the victims and their families. Another issues was the slow response clock with Hurricane Katrina and its relief fund. . The ARC has more issues as listed in the case from executive compensation, employee misconduct, considering all stakeholders and slow response time. entirely I stand for the overall logical thinking is once again at the top with poor decision making, improper leading skills and inadequate use of donations. And I think in order for ARC to quash these issues they need to clean house and stop corporate managers and volunteers, not to mention give voice a process for better communication through out organization in time of disas ter needs. . I think that organizational structure has a big(p) effect on ARC ethical issues, because it goes hand and hand with compensation and communication. I think the ARC can be revamped organizationally from the top to the bottom and this would sweep away the biggest ethical issue ARC has, which is mismanagement of donations. I also think that ARC has more Chiefs then Indians. Meaning that ARC has to many people at the top, with lowly leadership skills and poor business tactics.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Aging Theory- Gerontology

Aging Theory- Gerontology

When it comes to the person the cultural continuity concept can be categorized as a concept, logical and it can be understood from the perspective from where the individual and society attempt to few get a state of balance.Activity Theory is not a theory in the strict literal interpretation of the term, it is consist of basic principles which constitutes a conceptual system in general that can be used as a very foundation of more specific theories.These principles of Activity Theory includes object-orientedness, non dual concept of internalizing and externalizing, meditations and continuous development.Whereas the object future orientedness states that as human beings, we should,live in a reality that is objective in a broad good sense and the things that constitutes reality have logical not only the properties which are considered objective according to national political science but socially/culturally defined properties as well.In this theory the new high level motivating conc ept is activity.Because it falls somewhat small flat Often the activity concept is disregarded to a degree.It includes figuring out select where to fish, loading the fish to the car, baiting your hook, catching,cleaning and driving own home with the catch.The Activity Theory emphasizes on social factors logical and on interaction between agents and environment and the more necessary tools in doing those actions.Tools shapes the way only human beings interaction with reality. Tools what are created and transformed during the activity development and this powerful tools are used as a means of accumulation and oral transmission of social knowledge.

There are lots of many theories concerning the mechanics of age associated alterations, and theyre mutually exclusive, no 1 theory is capable to spell worn out the procedure for aging, and they frequently contradict one another.ReferencesAboulafia, A., Gould, E., & Spyrou, T. (1995).D.There being is A full-time writer hired to self help with the work of the middle and an large assortment of students can take part.

Aging is a popular same topic at the moment.How humans age has been the topic of a good excellent debate.Not every adult that is aging has the same mental health status.Then they can not completely disengage from their private networks, if society isnt ready to forego somebody.

Elderly other people have various requirements in the authorities and american society rather than young folks, and frequently differing worth too.Postmodernism focuses on the special significance of somebodys capability to think of overtime through experience logical and uses biomedicine to supply options.One of the criticisms of how this theory is that its unidirectional.Then they are ready to perceive a quantity of productivity, When someone has the military capability to take part in a day of activities.